Her grief puts a strain on all her relationships: her friends, her boyfriend, and her parents. And even though Lexie feels she should be strong enough to help her family heal, she's a kid harboring her own guilt at not being home to stop her brother from killing himself. The depth of her mother's sorrow is raw, real, and heartbreaking. In many books, it can be frustrating to see characters shut themselves off, but Lexie's character is well-fleshed-out, so we understand why she tries a rational approach to an emotional problem.

She doesn't want anyone to see her cry, but her efforts to avoid dealing with her grief start to have terrible effects on her emotionally and physically. She mistakes dealing with her grief alone for being strong. People don't know how to talk to her, and she feels like an outcast, when in reality she's casting herself out. When her younger brother, Tyler, commits suicide, her world is completely changed forever.

Lexie Riggs is a mature and responsible teen and a relatable protagonist. THE LAST TIME WE SAY GOODBYE is a well-written and heartrending story.